This Website was established by the Accufix Research Institute located in Englewood, Colorado with the objective of providing physicians with the clinical information they need or find useful in order to manage patients who are implanted with either an ACCUFIX or ENCOR Atrial 'J' pacemaker lead.

The Accufix Research Institute was established in the summer of 1996 and manages ongoing issues related to ACCUFIX and ENCOR leads, including liaison with physicians, clinics, patients and worldwide regulatory agencies. The mission of the Institute is to optimize the well-being of these patients and minimize the risks associated with potential injury related to the 'J' shaped retention wire.

The Accufix Research Institute’s communication programs, including this Website, will continue to provide physicians and clinics with up-to-date information regarding its research findings. We will also continue to seek specific patient management recommendations from the Physician Advisory Committee which was established in November 1994.

Starting April 25, 2005 physicians of record who are managing patients currently implanted with these leads were mailed a Dear Doctor letter which updates them on the most recent patient management recommendations provided to the Accufix Research Institute by the Physician Advisory Committee. Physicians were advised in this letter that they could obtain additional clinical data by either contacting the Accufix Research Institute directly or by accessing this Website. The following Website pages contain the most recent Dear Doctor letter plus the additional information that was referred to in this letter.

The information provided is intended for the medical community managing the care of ACCUFIX or ENCOR Atrial 'J' pacemaker lead patients. If you are a patient with an ACCUFIX or ENCOR Atrial 'J' lead, your physician is your best source of information regarding these issues and we urge you to discuss this situation with him or her.


 In order for Accufix Research Institute to provide the most informed patient management recommendations, please send back to ARI all screening, explant and J wire injury data. Printable Data Collection Forms (Fluoroscopic Screening Form, Explant Form, J wire Injury Classification Form) are available below. The completed forms can be returned via facsimile at (303) 645-8080 or to Accufix Research Institute, PMB 514 17011 Lincoln, Ave Parker, CO 80134-8815.


  I have read and understand the above letter and would like to continue to
Dear Doctor Letter #10

I would like to proceed to the detail section






Accufix Research Institute


PMB 514, 17011 Lincoln Ave, Parker, CO 80134-8815


(800) 565-8656



Accufix Research Institute WorldWide Contacts